Cookie History

Cookie History

More Than a Century of Girl Scout Cookie History

The program, which is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program for girls in the world, helps Girl Scouts fund unique adventures for themselves and their troops all year long. It also allows them to give back to the causes they’re most passionate about—it’s the Girl Scout way! As Girl Scout Cookie entrepreneurs learning essential life skills every step of the way, girls are also transformed into the bold and brave leaders that will make the world a better place today and in the future. 

For more than 100 years, Girl Scouts has used cookie earnings to build everyday leaders who make positive changes in our world. And there’s no doubt: U.S. society today is better because of the girls who have taken part in the program! But how did it all begin?

Hey, Let’s Sell Cookies!
It all started in 1917, when Girl Scouts in Muskogee, Oklahoma, did what Girl Scouts everywhere always do: they had a great idea, got together, and took action to make it a reality. The girls of Mistletoe Troop hit on the clever idea to fund their projects by selling cookies they made at home in their own kitchens. So simple—and so smart! Other troops took note, and the idea of Girl Scouts selling cookies took off.

Cookies Fuel A Century of Adventure!
Cookies Fuel A Century of Adventure!

Girl Scout Cookies run deep in the roots of the Girl Scouts and continues to foster world change into the future.

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