Troops can now reserve units for the spring, summer, and fall. Woodview and Lookout Lodges and Birds Nest Cabins at Camp Shawano are the only units open between mid November and April 1st. Other units are open April 1st through mid November. Please see each camp to learn about the units that are available at it.
Someone in the troop must have the Out and About Training to stay in a lodge. To stay in cabins or tents someone must have the Troop Camp Training. There must also be someone with the group who is First Aid and CPR certified.
All units and camps are closed for major holidays - New Years, Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. For more information about our camps and units go to "Camp and Outdoors" and scroll down the page until you see the camps and click on the camp you are interested in. To reserve a camp please complete the Camp Reservation Request below or fill out this jotform. You can check to see if a unit is available for your dates by contacting us at camp@gswrc.org.
The Human-Environment Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois found that the positive influence of nature may be more pronounced for girls (ages 6-9) than for boys. On average, the greener a girl’s experiences are, the better she concentrates and bad behaviors are reduced. This helps her do better in school, handle peer pressure and avoid dangerous, unhealthy, or problem behaviors. She behaves in ways that fosters success in life, according to the researchers.
Someone in the troop must have the trainings listed below to be able to go camping with your troop. This includes staying in a cabin, lodge or tent at one of our camps or camping in an approved site elsewhere.
Download the Camp Reservation Request form here. It is fillable, but you will need to email it or send it to us once completed.